Why FPSP? The Future…

The Future Problem Solving Program provides students with necessary thinking and problem solving skills which will serve them well throughout their lives.
This page is dedicated to bringing you articles which accentuate the benefits of participating in Future Problem Solving Program!

The latest copy of the Creative Learning Today in which an article, Citizens of the Future World:  International Outreach in the FPSP, by our very own Valerie Volk is provided.  Other interesting articles on creativity are also found in this publication.  Thanks Valerie for your effort and excellent writing on FPSPI!  Creative Learning Today

How FPSPI uses its curricula to prepare students for the global workplace: 21 Century

The World Future Society and THE FUTURIST magazine are pleased to present our special bulletin, “Forecasts for 2009 and Beyond.” Just click the link to the right and you’ll discover …
— 10 Social and Technological Forecasts for the Next 25 Years…
— The Outlook for Hydrogen Energy…
— Nanotechnology Breakthroughs for the Next 15 years…
— How to Spot Trends Ahead of the Crowd… and more.


Have you seen the new Federal Commission on New Skills for the Workplace report? The article is : Sources of Innovation and Creativity: A Summary of the Research, by Karlyn Adams, University of Pennsylvania. FPS is mentioned on page 54.

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