Star of the North Award Recipient!

Star of the North Award Recipient!

Please congratulate Christopher Meng, from Centennial Middle School on this excellent recognition!

Centennial Future Problem Solver Christopher Meng is the Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented (MEGT) 2016 Star of the North awardee.

Christopher was recognized for academic achievement, leadership, and accomplishments in the performing arts. 


Currently an 8th grader, he hChristopher Meng, 2016 MEGT Star of the North Award Recipientas been involved in FPS since 4th grade. As a member of Global Issues Problem Solving teams representing Minnesota at FPSP International Competition, and was a member of the junior division multi-affiliate team that took first place at IC in 2014.

Nominated by Centennial Middle School gifted services coordinator Stephanie Roloff, Christopher’s essay submission including a theme on being persistent and not giving up, even when something is difficult.

His essay emphasized the benefit of his experiences from participating in FPS, including that “problem solving and teamwork are important skills in life.”

On January 31, 2016 Christopher performed Bach Prelude in G, WTC Bk. 2, No 15, BWV 884, Haydn Sonate F major Hoboken XVI:23, and Chopin Waltz E minor on the piano for attendees at the MEGT Winter Conference in Brainerd and then received the award from Lori Habben, the MEGT Star of the North Award coordinator (pictured to the left).

For more information on the Star of the North award, visit MEGT’s website.

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